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Viagra As A Recreational Drug

Viagra and its newer rivals, Levitra and Cialis, are impotence drugs, which were developed and intended for those suffering from erectile dysfunction due to age or any number of medical or psychological conditions.

In the last few years, there are reports that these impotence treatments have caught on as recreational drugs. Men, who had never suffered from impotence or performance anxiety, are using ED treatments anyway, in some cases as an insurance policy against the effects of alcohol, in others simply to enhance endurance. Those who have used Viagra recreationally,say the drug, makes it much easier to sustain an erection and achieve a second erection relatively quickly after orgasm.

The emergence of this trend, begs two important questions

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Is it dangerous to take viagra recreationally?

The side effects of any man taking Viagra, whether impotent or not, are usually minor and temporary, such as headache, facial flushing, stuffy nose, and blurred vision. The risks for those taking it without a medical necessity are minimal.

HOWEVER, young men who take Viagra pills for recreational use in combination with other substances, such as ecstasy (a popular night club drug) or amyl nitrate(otherwise known as poppers) are taking a huge risk.

Combining the two chemicals can cause dangerously low blood pressure. There is also a risk of developing a persistent and painful erection, a condition known as priapism. This condition may result in a lack of blood supply to and consequent damage of the intracavernosal smooth muscle, the muscle that helps to produce an erection.

Taking Viagra recreationally also creates another potential set of dilemmas. Scientists have found that, while men don't develop physical dependencies on the drugs or loss of normal function if they stop taking them after extended use, psychological dependence is a different matter altogether. The recreational user might take Viagra to help sell himself as a sexual superman early in a relationship. But once things get serious, he may find it difficult to perform without the support of Viagra.


Are all Viagra users under 30 recreational users?

The reality is that not all under 30's are taking viagra for recreational purposes. Pfizer contends that if someone can feel the effect of Viagra, then they, by definition, have lost some sexual function. And the reality is, sexual function starts to fade in the 20s. "Viagra helps to improve erectile function which isn't optimal," says Pfizer's Dr. Sweeney. "If you're a 20-year-old college guy with no diseases and you have great erectile function, it's not going to do anything for you. It can't make it go beyond normal."

In young men in particular, ED treatments may help to alleviate performance anxiety. A third of ED cases are due to psychological reasons, significant psychological and social components such as guilt, depression, anxiety, tension or marital discord may affect the erectile ability of a man of any age. The presence of ED will normally cause some anxiety which, in turn, will make it more difficult to get an erection next time, and so on. This 'domino' effect is a common cause of temporary impotence and most sexually active men will experience at some point in their lives.

The strong psychological component to maintaining a satisfactory erection, means that ED treatments can be effective in men of all ages and it is not valid to assume that all users under a certain age are recreational ones. While it is true that the likelihood of erectile dysfunction does increase with years, ED is far from being a problem faced strictly by men over a certain age.


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