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Please register first to obtain treatment
Registration is free and without obligation to order

Registration Explained

To continue your order, please complete the registration form, this will take about 2 minutes. The information is for the sole use of the Doctor to assess your condition and approve you for treatment if applicable. The information will not be used for any other marketing purposes whatsoever.

For further information, please check our registration FAQ's.
Registered with the care Quality Commission

Questions Related to Acne

In order to prescribe treatments for Acne our doctor needs some information regarding this specific condition. Please complete the following as accurately as possible.

How long have you been suffering from acne?

Which areas of your skin are affected?

How does the acne manifest itself?

Does your skin scar when healing?

What is your skin type/tone?

Do you suffer from any other skin condition such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, couperose, dermatitis or cutaneous epithelioma?

Are you currently taking or have you previously taken any prescription drugs against acne?

How else are you treating your acne?

Is there a particular treatment you are interested in receiving for your acne?

Are you pregnant or trying to conceive?

Are you breastfeeding?

Do you suffer from irregular periods and/or excess facial and body hair growth?

Are you using any form of hormonal contraception?

I confirm that the submitted photographs are recent images of my own skin

I understand that in cases of severe acne it is best to seek treatment from a specialist dermatologist

Patients taking oral treatments for acne may be at risk of liver damage. I understand and confirm that when taking oral acne treatments continually I should take a liver function test every 6 months

Do you smoke?


© 2004 - 2018 FMC Marketing Limited, UK CQC-registered company working with medical professionals GMC registered doctors and UK-registered pharmacies.
Our Doctors:
Doctor Nitin Shori (Clinical Lead) - GMC Reference Number: 6047293
Doctor Alexandra Phelan - GMC Reference Number 6150198

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FMC Marketing Limited is registered in England No. 04780577 Registered address; Hampshire House, 204 Holly Road, Aldershot, Hampshire, GU12 4SE